Letters to the Editor
Sugar Coated
Lake Linden just sent out their notes to residents. Seems they want a bump in their budget.
They assure it is only on “wealthy” folks with extra homes , vacation homes , ect. What Mr. Codere forgot to mention if you rent in Lake Linden your rent is about to go up if this passes. Your apartment or home you rent is an “extra” property.
So the people just making their rent are who this millage raise would hit like a brick. As Mr. Codere makes it sound as if it will only hit the most well off in reality it will be sent straight down as an added cost to the very renters none of whom even own property.
This raise asks us to agree to raise all rent in Lake Linden across the board. Because it will affect almost no one in the way he states it WILL affect the least well off, the single working mother your rent go’s up. Senior rent goes up, disabled rent gos up.
If you have money, odds are you are renting those extra places so this cost them nothing. This will have the result of yet another raise in our monthly bills among those who have the least room to give. He may have meant this to only affect the well off but lack of forethought ended up causing this to only hit the poorest and the renters of Lake Linden.
It is not a town full of 2nd vacation homes it is a town full of rentals.
That is the fact.
This will end up just like every trickle down added tax does, they say it is only the rich when the lower middle class and poor actually pay the bill. This WILL get passed on to renters , a land lord WILL NOT eat it Mr. Codere.
That is the reality no matter how much creative writing was used in the note to the local voters you sent out.
Michael Kangas
Lake Linden