Student suspensions and expulsions are skyrocketing since the deadly shooting at Oxford High School last month, as school officials practice increased vigilance to head-off any possible violence.
It’s prudent to separate potentially dangerous students from the broader school community. But ...
The Michigan Legislature has passed a bill that would extend from two years to four years the length of terms served by county commissioners in Michigan.
That means commissioners would serve the same length of terms that elected county executives such as clerks and treasurers serve.
The ...
Nelson Mandela once said, “Our children are the rock on which our future will be built.” Michigan is now making moves to support that foundation.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday announced that schools are recruiting and hiring 560 more school psychologists, school social workers, school ...
To the editor:
Alfred Erickson American Legion Post 186 and Auxiliary wishes to thank everyone who donated and supported Operation Copper Country Active Duty. With your help, we were able to send Christmas gifts from the Copper Country to our local active duty servicemen and servicewomen. ...
To the editor:
Copper Country Habitat for Humanity would like to thank the Portage Health Auxiliary for its recent $6,400 grant toward building accessibility ramps for members of our community located in Houghton, Keweenaw and Baraga counties. The Ramps-to-Go Program generally asks the ...
To the editor:
2021 was the 23rd year for the Sheriff’s Office ‘No Kid Without a Christmas’ program, and because of the unbelievable support from the people of the Keweenaw it was a great success allowing us to assist dozens of families!
It is very heartwarming to see the generosity ...