
Hats Off

Dear Community, 

  Hats off to our generous community this holiday season! 

On behalf of the Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) board of directors, staff, volunteers, and the elderly we serve, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the entire community for your generous donations, volunteerism, and support of our Holiday Meals Program.  Celebrating the holidays with our elderly neighbors would not be possible without the overwhelming support of our community.

A lot goes on behind the scenes where businesses, churches, schools, senior centers, the media, volunteers, and donors all participate. Each holiday we serve over 1,200 meals from 10 sites in 5 counties.  The dinners are publicized through interviews, posters, marquees, and church bulletins. Food, homemade dessert, and supplies are solicited and purchased. And of course, we need ten places to host the celebrations and the volunteers to cook, set up, serve, clean, deliver, drive, and provide musical entertainment.  Every senior receives a party favor and a flower, and each home-delivered meal is packaged in a decorated paper bag for the season.  

In the spirit of the holidays, LBFE also packages and delivers specially wrapped Christmas gift boxes of non-perishable food staples, local favorites, and holiday treats to our elderly friends experiencing loneliness and/or food insecurity.  Volunteers also deliver personalized Christmas gifts to our Forever Friends.  Along with delivering the food boxes and gifts, our volunteers brighten the holiday even more by staying for a visit. This program brings much needed joy to our socially isolated and lonely elderly residents.  

LBFE recognizes that we could not provide this important service without the generosity of our community to help us to achieve our mission each year of bringing cheer and friendship to our growing elderly population at Christmas.  

Thank you! Thank you! We are deeply grateful for your support. 

Most Sincerely,

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