

June Carter Country Joins Hall of Fame

Arts and Entertainment

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — June Carter, Kenny Chesney and Tony Brown have been invited to join the Country Music Hall of Fame. The Country Music Association announced the new 2025 inductees on Tuesday in Nashville, Tennessee. Carter, the Grammy-winning member of one of country music’s ...

To Your Good Health: Keith Roach, MD


DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you please explain what is cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein and the significance of a high HDL cholesterol value? What about non-HDL cholesterol? I have had cholesterol tests for the past 30 years with HDL readings that had a low of 68 mg/dL and a high of 117 mg/dL. Two ...

A demand for equal pay

Local News

HOUGHTON — The Copper Country League of Women Voters (CCLWV) held a demonstration on the campus of Michigan Tehnological University Tuesday to draw attention to the issue of pay inequity for women. March 25 is designated as "Equal Pay Day,"and league members passed out treats and brochures ...

Dear Annie


Dear Annie: Thousands of grandparents and extended family members are stepping in to raise children in today's world, often due to parents struggling with substance abuse. While many of us take on this responsibility out of love and necessity, it comes with its own set of emotional challenges. ...

Copper in the crosshairs

Front Page

WAKEFIELD — President Donald Trump's executive order of Feb. 25, titled "Addressing the threat to national security from imports of copper," states the United States faces significant vulnerabilities in the copper supply chain, with increasing reliance on foreign sources for mined, smelted ...