
Building a Strong Foundation

CCISD looking for property for CTE projects

Ben Garbacz/Daily Mining Gazette CCISD board members, from left, Adam Loukus, Lisa Tarvainen, Vice President Gale Eilola, Nels Christopherson and Dale Kero consider the language for pursuing land purchases in Baraga and Houghton Counties. The board is looking to expand the opportunities for students in the Career Tech Education (CTE) program, which has students utilizing skills to build houses.

HANCOCK — The pursuit of land for student construction projects was approved at the regular meeting of the Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD) Board of Education Tuesday. The purchases would provide land for students to construct more houses as part of the Career, Tech, Education (CTE) program.

The program gives students from area schools the opportunity to use hands on skills and earn real-life construction experience. A house students are working on is nearing completion after only a year, although it was originally believed to take two years to complete. CCISD is looking for property in the Hougthon-Hancock area in which to begin its next project.

“Not only do they get the training to say, build a house, not only the construction piece, but [also] the electrical, plumbing heating and everything that goes with it,” CCISD Superintendent James Rautiola said.

“But to me, the greatest asset is they get to work together, not only with kids from other local schools, but with industry partners and really it’s an opportunity for them to showcase their skills and make a network connection with a business owner. Who knows where it lands, as far as a job or a career?”

The board wants to be able to offer similar opportunities and projects for schools in Baraga County, and is seeking to purchase land closer to their schools. CCISD currently owns property on Spruce Street in L’Anse so the next house construction project will likely take place there.

CCISD has been looking for ways to centralize services in Baraga County to increase accessibility for students and educators there. The CCISD has approved the purchase of the Industrial Tech Center from L’Anse Area Schools. The board approved land surveys with the Industrial Tech Center building and afterwards can hopefully elevate the programs and conduct upgrades to the facility.

In other business, the board approved an agreement with Aspirus Keweenaw Hospital for contracted services regarding physical and occupational therapy and accepted a monetary donation from an anonymous individual in the amount of $100,000.

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