
Fishing tournament raises record funds for Ontonagon County Cancer Association

Photo courtesy of Skip Schulz Left to right, Joshua Scott, PMCVB, Tony Basler, PMCVB, Stacy Preiss, OCCA, Nancy Mattson, OCCA, Larry Grieg, Lake Trout Classic, Pam Karttunen, Aspirus-Ontonagon. Mattson received a check for $12,500 from Larry Grieg.

Ontonagon County has gone through numerous cycles over the last 100 years. Through the economic climbs and falls of industry what has remained consistent is the voluntary efforts of residents, businesses, and visitors.

Volunteerism was essential at this year’s 20th Annual Aspirus Lake Trout Classic, a fishing tournament and fish fry.

The event raised a record amount of $12,500 for the Ontonagon County Cancer Association. In total, Larry Grieg, his late wife Diane, Lynn and Bob Majurin and the Upper Peninsula Fisherman’s Association have donated over $100,000 to the Ontonagon County Cancer Association.

“It is amazing as to what Larry (Grieg), the Majurin’s, and those that went fishing have done for our Cancer Association,” commented Nancy Mattson. “It is that money that we (OCCA) raise that provides financial assistance to the families that has someone with cancer. From lodging, to travel, to food, we give them financial help.”

Larry Grieg thanked all the sponsors of the tournament, along with the Majurin’s for their hard work on the Saturday night fish fry.

“The Fisherman donate the fish they caught. Lynn and Bob Majurin works so hard on the fish fry. They work so hard finding people to help, and it all goes to what we donate to the OCCA!”

This year’s donation of $12,500 is the most the tournament has been able to donate since it began 20 years ago. While helping to provide the funds for the OCCA, the tourney does more than show how Ontonagon County comes together to help others. It is also a showcase of the excellent fishing found in the area.

One of the major sponsors this year was the Porcupine Mountains Convention and Visitors Bureau. This past year the PMCVB has broadened its support to include the Lake Trout Classic.

“It’s very unique to our area to have this fishing tournament. It’s something a lot of areas don’t have, and the fishing is darn good,” states Joshua Scott of the PMCVB. Alluding to the Ontonagon Marina.

Scott expressed his thanks to Grieg, “It’s a blessing to have someone like Larry to step up and do something like this. We recognize it as a CVB that the tournament is not just a tourism draw to get people to come here, but what it does for the County Cancer Association.

Tony Basler of the PMCVB agrees, “As a survivor of cancer, I’m 2 years out, if it wasn’t for the County Cancer Association, many people would really struggle. You don’t know the burdens until those bills start rolling in.”

The OCCA helps families that have to travel a distance to be with and support the one fighting cancer. “The volunteers also provide Mammograms and Colon tests that is not covered by Insurance. We rotate that screening on a year to year basis,” explained Mattson.

It was Mattson’s mother who passed away, Bev Meagher, who was instrumental in starting the OCCA. In addition to the Lake Trout Classic the OCCA has a fundraising drive going on right now. Mattson asks people to please donate what they can, so the organization can continue to help those fighting cancer and their families.

If you would like to donate or you or a family member is looking for financial assistance with cancer treatment go to the OCCA website at www.ontctycancer.org

It is helping each other that has been a way of life for the residents in Ontonagon County for over 100 years. For the last 20 years, it has been the Lake Trout Classic that does its part.

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