
Front Page

Stepping Down

SOUTH RANGE – After 18 years with the Fourth of July Committee, several of them as president, Michael Renier announced that as March 20, he had stepped down from that office and stepped away from the committee. Renier said after nearly two decades of community service, it is time to focus on ...

Planning Commission discusses proposed bank location

HOUGHTON — The Houghton County Planning Commission met Tuesday to discuss the property on 902 College Avenue, which contains the Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce building. The property will become the new site of U.P. State Bank along with another or possibly two more buildings. Items passed ...

A demand for equal pay

HOUGHTON — The Copper Country League of Women Voters (CCLWV) held a demonstration on the campus of Michigan Tehnological University Tuesday to draw attention to the issue of pay inequity for women. March 25 is designated as "Equal Pay Day,"and league members passed out treats and brochures ...

Copper in the crosshairs

WAKEFIELD — President Donald Trump's executive order of Feb. 25, titled "Addressing the threat to national security from imports of copper," states the United States faces significant vulnerabilities in the copper supply chain, with increasing reliance on foreign sources for mined, smelted ...

At the cross roads

ESCANABA — Following years of flip-flopping by both the state and federal governments on the animals’ protection status, “wolves are at a crossroads in Michigan,” said wildlife biologist Brian Roell, the large carnivore specialist for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources at a ...