
Big Plans for Calumet

Village celebrates 150th

Kent Kraft for the Gazette The Calumet Village Council discusses plans for the Village's 150the birthday celebration Tuesday evening.

CALUMET – The Village of Calumet officially turned 150 Wednesday, but on Tuesday night Village Manager Megan Haselden teased many of the events coming up throughout the year. The Calumet Cro Fest (short for Croatian) is planned for early August. The event features food, dancing, and music culminating with the annual performance of the Duquesne University Tamburitzans.

Plans for Pasty Fest weekend include a rededication of a plaque commemorating Calumet’s sister city, Camborne, Cornwall, complete with a screen so people from Camborne can remotely participate in the festivities. In December, a Red Jacket Ball is being planned where attendees will be encouraged to wear outfits dating back to the late 1800s.

Those interested in helping the Village in planning and executing these activities are asked keep their eyes open for the next invitational meeting held at Calumet Village Town hall.

Haselden told the council the first stage of the stabilization of the Ruppe Building is completed. She said more information on the project and the Bring Back Calumet Initiative will be coming from the Keweenaw Community Foundation soon.

Haselden reported more than 40 applications have been received for the village secretary position. She said she is going through the applications and interviews have begun and seem promising. The Village will also rehire a blight enforcement officer soon.

A request has been submitted to Senator Gary Peters for $2 million in congressionally designated funding that would help construct a new building for the Department of Public Works (DPW), which would move the DPW out of the residential district. While the full funding would be ideal, Haselden mentioned even with $750K, they could build a smaller complex as a start and add onto in the future to better accommodate the DPW.

The Council unanimously approved the purchase of a device to allow residents to pay any fees they owe the Village with a credit card. Currently the Village only accepts cash or check.

In other action, the council:

• Appointed Matt L’Esperance to the Houghton County Recreation Authority

• Appointed Dave Geisler (At-Large) and Pamela Que (DDA) to the Historic District Commission

• Appointed Mark Bonenfant to another term on the Calumet Housing Commission

• Approved paying bills totaling $56,553.20.

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