
Michigan marks School Board Recognition Month

The state of Michigan has designated January as School Board Recognition Month. It has been for 35 years even though many Michigan residents may not be aware of it. The Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) had been at the forefront of that for nearly four decades.

As one of the original sponsors of this state and national observance, MASB’s goal has been to build public understanding and support for the concept of local control of public schools, the MASB website says. When the School Board Recognition program was launched in Michigan in 1989, only five states celebrated this special month. Today, nearly every state and governor participate.

Michigan has nearly 600 locally elected School Boards. Actually titled Boards of Education, these bodies serve a specific service to their dedicated school districts, which are outlined on most school district websites. Hancock Public Schools website is among those.

“The Hancock Public Schools Board of Education exists for the purpose of providing a system of free, public education for children in grades K-12,” states the site. “The Board of Education is a legal entity for providing a system of public education within a geographic area of the State of Michigan. The system was created by, and is governed by, State statutes. Members of a Board are chosen by citizens to represent them and the State in governance of the local schools.”

The MASB site further defines the obligations of local school boards in Michigan, including that in general, it is the school board’s job to make policy, while the superintendent is charged with administering the policy. With effective board/superintendent teams, each side clearly understands its roles and responsibilities. The school board’s areas of responsibility include:

• Goal Setting: The district vision is translated into long- and short-term goals. The board establishes the structure to accomplish the vision, and periodically evaluates the results.

• Policy: Establishes policy for the district and shares in policy development.

• Designating and Evaluating the Superintendent: Recruits, hires and evaluates the performance of the superintendent.

•Budget: Reviews the budget submitted by the superintendent and aligns the funding priorities with the district goals.

•Curriculum: Approves recommended curriculum and textbooks based on standards, goals and policies established by the board. Review and evaluate curriculum as it relates to student assessment results.

•Staffing and Appraisal: Adopts policies governing salaries and salary schedules, terms and conditions of employment, fringe benefits, leave and professional development, and employee evaluations.

• Facilities: Determines school facility needs and communicates proposed construction plans to the community.

The Daily Mining Gazette joins with the MASB and the state of Michigan in recognizing local school boards along with their elected trustees. Throughout January, the DMG will publish articles on what the role of school boards are within their communities, as well as how they are organized and function.

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