
Morin Fireworks now in its 54th year

Graham Jaehnig/Daily Mining Gazette Behind the counter stands Diane Morin who, with her husband Pete, opened Morin’s Fireworks 54 years ago in 1970. On the wall behind her is a memorial to Pete, who passed away from cancer in 2018.

BARAGA — After 54 years in business at the same location, Morin Fireworks once again has a full selection of products just in time for Fathers Day. Diane Morin, owner of the shop, said prices are still the same as last year, when they were reduced to record loads, and are significantly lower than those of her competitor.

Morin began the 2023 season with a store-wide sale when the prices of fireworks skyrocketed by as much as $35 per case between 2020 and 2022, plus shipping costs. But then prices came down significantly, and so did Morin’s prices. She has not increased them since.

“I didn’t raise my prices this year,” she said. “I should have at the end of the season last year,but I didn’t,.”

Morin Fireworks stocks everything from sparklers and small displays, like Ground Blooms and Crackling Balls, to firecrackers, to multi-tube displays that launch more than 100 feet off the ground, and even novelties.

“We’ve got a little bit of everything that you’d want,” Morin said.

Two products Morin has available is the VIP, consisting of three cakes, all lit at the same time, and diliver180 shots of intense fan action accented by brocade tails to massive flower crown with red/blue tails. She was only able to acquire a small shipment, though, because of their popularity. In fact, the website of American Wholesale Fireworks has the three-cake VIP listed as out of stock.

Morin also has Fancy Freedom, which is similar to VIP.

“It goes up higher than VIP, but not as many shots,” she said, “but still, it’s a great grand finale.”

Another popular item Morin has again this year is Goldzilla Thrilla, a 20-shot, 500 gram cake. A cake firework, also known as a multiple tube device, is a firework comprising a series of Roman candles, small aerial shells, or a combination of both, connected together by a high-speed fuse. Cakes are one of the most popular types of firework, as they can create spectacular and long-lasting effects from a single ignition while minimizing safety concern.

New this year, she said, is The Beast, a monster 95-shot compound with red, white and blue stars dance back and forth with glitter and firecrackers followed by a breathtaking finale.

“We’re just about fully stocked now,” said Morin. “I’ve got another load coming in. It’s not a big load, just items to fill the holes on the shelves. Most of my stuff is in already.

When it comes to buying fireworks, said Morin, several people will often chip in to purchase huge displays to compete with other people across the lake or wherever the pyrotechnics are fired.

When Morin opened for the season in May, she said, she studied available fireworks for hours trying to get the best ones she could find.

Morin prides herself on guaranteeing her fireworks.

“If it doesn’t go off, bring it back with the receipt and we’ll replace it for you at no cost to you,” she said. “No other place does that,” adding if she does not have the replacement, she will offer something comparable to it. Those fireworks tents — they don’t do that. Once the Fourth of July is over, they’re gone. But I don’t believe in people losing their money.”

Morin is also proud of her community support, including to fundraisers for specific causes, like the fundraiser for bleachers at the Baraga School.

“When I donate to something, it’s usually from $1,000 on up,” she said, adding that “you have to give back to your community.”

Morin, who is a 10-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and her husband, Pete, was a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, offers discounts to service organizations, as well as individuals, such as:

• Military

• Fire departments

• EMTs

• Police and law enforcement agents

• Corrections

• She has even donated fireworks to a local high school basketball team.

Morin Fireworks, is located on U.S. 41, in Baraga Township, next to the Pines Convenience Center.

Starting on Monday, June 10, Morin Fireworks will be open seven days a week. Mon.-Saturday, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. and Sundays, 1-8 p.m.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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