Mother and son murder case is moving forward

Prosecutor Dan Helmer (left), Defense Attorney David Gemignani (center), and Jacob Kempainen appeared in Houghton County Circuit court Monday. Kempainen’s trial for the December 2023 murder of his grandfather Alvin Kempainen of Hancock Township, will likely start in late January 2026. Helmer said that Kempainen has a week to consider a plea deal. (Ben Garbacz/Daily Mining Gazette)
HOUGHTON — Dates for the trials of Margaret and Jacob Kempainen have been set.
Mother and son appeared in Houghton County Circuit Court Monday for a pre-trial conference.
Margaret Kempainen’s trial is set to begin in November while her son’s will likely start in late January, 2026.
The Hartfield, Wisconsin, residents allegedly conspired to kill Alvin Kempainen, 87, in December of 2023.
Alvin was Jacob’s grandfather and Margaret’s father-in-law.
The Kempainens are facing homicide charges punishable by up life in prison.
Jacob Kempainen, 21, was arrested in Clear Lake, Iowa, on Dec. 19, 2023 along with his 51 year old Mother.
The pair were arrested the day after police found Alvin Kempainen, 86, dead of a gunshot wound at his Hancock Township home.
The elder Kempainen’s son Alvin Kempainen contacted police in fear of his father’s safety. He told police he believed that Margaret and Jacob were on their way to ask Alvin for money after noticing a transaction on a debit card Bruce Crossing was made in Bruce Crossing.
Alan had a shared account with Margaret and informed Alvin of the transaction, of which Alvin only responded once to multiple texts.
It’s alleged Jacob shot Alan and Margaret was involved in the conspiracy to commit the murder.
In previous court appearances Margaret and Jacob claimed that Alvin was possessed by the spirits of those they thought he had killed and thrown into a well. These statements and others had similarities to the plot of the film “The Visit.”
There were other accounts Jacob and Margaret made involving witchcraft.
Monday’s pre-trial conference established trial dates although other issues had to be taken into consideration.
With a November trial date, a larger jury pool will have to considered because of conflicts with the Michigan Firearm Deer Season.
According to Houghon County Prosecuor Dan Helmer, both mother and son have a week to consider a plea deal. Helmer.
Future pre-trial conferences will occur about 60 days from the trials. The trials in Nov. and Jan. are expected to take five to six days to conduct.