Keweenaw Co-op recognized

Keweenaw Coop General Manager Curt Webb (left) and Retailer and Operations Manager Denise Hansen (right) will be in Lansing on April 22 to receive the award as listed on the 2025 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch. Hansen believes that Copper Country residents played a role in the co-op’s success. (Ben Garbacz/Daily Mining Gazette)
HANCOCK — The Small Business Association of Michigan has recognized Keweenaw Co-op with inclusion on its 2025 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch list for this year’s Michigan Celebrates Small Business awards.
The awards are distributed to businesses that contribute to the state’s economy and are positioned for positive sale trends and success.
The Michigan 50 Companies to Watch Awards are reserved for second-stage companies headquartered in Michigan which have six to 99 full time employees. They must generate $750,000 to $50 million in annual revenue or net working capital from investors or grants.
Categories the businesses are judged on include employee or sales growth, entrepreneurial leadership, sustainable competitive advantage and more that demonstrate business success.
On April 22, Keweenaw Co-op General Manager Curt Webb and Retailer and Operations Manager Denise Hansen will be present in Lansing to receive the award. Hansen said that the award will be received on behalf of the local community, since co-ops are community owned and driven.
Hansen expressed that the recent relocation to downtown Hancock was one of the elements that could be objectively demonstrated for the store’s growth and the impact it had on the Keweenaw Peninsula’s residents, of which the local community invested $1 million into.
“We’re proud and joyful,” Hansen said. “When you go through a relocation project there’s a lot of hard work that goes into that. We’re in our 52nd year and a lot has gone into making it the sustainable business that it is. Not everyone can say that. The actions and achievements are exciting to have recognized on a state level.”
The co-op is also excited about the state recognition, as other Copper Country businesses have received similar recognition in the past such as Van Straten Brothers Inc. in 2017, Orbion Space Technology in 2020 and GLSV Inc. in 2021. Hansen said that with the area being rural, such recognition helps all businesses in the area.
“Rising tides raise all the ships,” she said.
While the recognition is nice, the co-op expressed that its actions are not for the recognition. Hansen said the co-op runs on a plan which observes the needs of the community with daily goals which services the area’s residents.
Keweenaw Co-op has assessed the desires for goods and a gathering place and created a space where both can be fulfilled with a place to shop and enjoy conversation at the sitting areas over the food and drinks served there.
“We’re thankful for the support of everyone in our area whether it’s the city of Hancock, Houghton County or the Keweenaw Peninsula,” Hansen said. “It really takes everyone’s support to make the co-op what it is. Everyone who plays a part in that, plays a part in our success.”