
Helping each other: Calumet’s Free Fridge

Ron Rea stands in front of shelves at the Calumet Free Fridge. Rea, who owns and operates The Office Shop in Calumet, started the free commodities store six years ago. The store is open to those who need it and there are no requirements. (Paula Porter/For the Gazette)

CALUMET — Hope and fellowship. That’s what the Calumet Free Fridge is all about. Today is the day to consider donating what you can. Hard times can fall on anyone anytime. And, it is even harder if you have a family to support. Either for yourself, your family or if you know someone in need. It’s available in Calumet.

There are no questions asked or requirements to come in for free food. It’s take what you need.

The “fridge” is free to the community with commodities donated by the community.

It is a community resource for anyone with an immediate need. And the person behind it, Ron Rea, is one of the most genuine, kindest persons you could ever know.

The Calumet free fridge is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is located in The Office Shop at 25703 Scott St. in Calumet.

Rae is the owner of The Office Shop and the one who created the Free Fridge.

Rae’s who has been in business for 30 years, started the community free fridge six years ago. He said he started with 15 cans of vegetables, beans, and soups on a table.

Rea is a pillar of the community, and his family donates to the fridge as well and they are passionate about it.

He learned about helping others as a young boy. Rea stated, ” I saw it as a young boy. It’s in my DNA. People helping others.”

Ron Rea is humble, despite the fact that he works many, many hours coordinating the fridge. He also stated, ” he hits the ground running every morning.” Doing pick ups of food donations if there is a donation available that is unable to be delivered to the shop.

Otherwise, he does alot of connecting of the dots. Donations going to people who want an item that was donated or helping out in anyway he can each day.

There are donations of paintings on the wall for sale. Wonderful canvas prints. Currently other items such as an amazing blue drum set, and a pet stroller and baby stroller. Both high quality items. Those were donated, and once sold, every dollar will go to purchase food for the free fridge. They sell for what the item is worth. Then that money all goes towards food purchase.

Big items you wish to donate can be done through the store as well. Where you list the item you want to donate, and then the buyer can pick up the item right at your house if you want. After purchasing it at the store. And, again then every dollar goes toward food for the free food pantry.

With the Easter Holiday coming up, it’s a great time to think about what you can donate to the Calumet free fridge.

They accept food donations, monetary donations and personal hygiene items. There’s numerous ways to donate to the free fridge — online or visit the Facebook free fridge page, or drop off food donations right at the store.

Any medicines, or personal items or pet items you wish to donate can simply be dropped off at the Office Shop. Every donations helps.

Each month the store has about 630 people come through. It’s a stop gap for people for a few days. There’s a variety to make complete meals. So, they do not have to worry about food, enjoy sit down dinners and to get back to family.

The community learns about the free fridge through word of mouth. Churches are helping out too. There are 1400 followers on the Office Shop Facebook page. It gets more donations locally into the store due to a wider reach. It’s all about helping people.

There’s free coats, colorful handmade hats, gloves, and boots. Especially for young children, since they change sizes quickly. All donated by the community. The newest change is adding an area of personal items. There’s bathroom tissue, both baby and adult diapers, medicine, and pet food for cats and dogs. Plus, dog beds.

Rea said that even a hospital bed was donated. “It’s all about doing a good thing for today. One day at a time. Opportunity to help is an everyday thing. Little things. How can you help your fellow man or community.”

“We were nominated for the Spark plug award,” Rea said, “but we’re not going to go the dinner, due to it’s cost. Instead, we are going to be spending the money it would have cost on purchasing more food for the community free fridge. It would cost $120 to go, and you can buy alot of food with that.”

Louies Fresh Market of Lake Linden donates cereal, soups, and mac and cheese. As well as personal items. Jen’s Kitchen has donated pasties. Toni’s Country Kitchen of Laurium donates regularly.

Lastly, there’s a history aspect of the Keweenaw Central Railway that’s popular. For $40 there’s a USB flash drive of conductor Lodi Michelich talking about what you see on the train while riding it in the past. The package includes a canvas print of the train, and the USB flash drive or CD. For more information visit the Calumet Free Fridge on Facebook, or the Office Shop online on Facebook.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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