
Garden greens evoke spring dreams

CHATHAM — The Upper Peninsula was clobbered with snow this week, so the thought of planting a garden may be the furthest thing from many people’s minds.

Still, despite the snow banks and icicles that peer back when looking out the window, spring is in fact less than two weeks away.

Although the changing of the seasons on March 20 may not herald dry lawns in our northern neck of the woods, it isn’t too soon to start planting indoor seedlings for garden season, according to Rock River Farm owner Rowan Bunce.

“Most seeds are started in the next few weeks here, and it’s not too early to start some seeds now,” he said.

Whether planting flowers or vegetables, indoor seedlings may evoke anticipation of warmer days ahead.

“There’s something about having those little green sprouts pop up that makes you start looking forward to spring. It gives you the sense that the seasons will start changing eventually here and we won’t have the snow anymore,” Bunce said.

He said onions from seed, parsley, rosemary, sage and some of the other slower growing herbs are good to start now, and that flowers including biennials like foxglove and lupin as well as many perennials are ready to begin growing.

When the last freeze thaws and U.P. yards are ready for planting, home gardeners can transfer their seedlings without much effort.

“No real special equipment is needed. You just need to have a plot of ground and a little trowel to put it in and that’s about it,” Bunce said.

Those looking to start their own indoor seedlings can find plenty of information just by reading the back of a seed packet, according to Bunce.

One seed packet is generally enough for a home gardener, he said, and growing the seeds is fundamentally simple.

“All they really need is dirt, water, light and air,” he said.

With 20,000 square feet of greenhouse space, the Chatham-based Rock River Farm specializes in primary cut flowers and is taking orders for garden kits which will be available for pickup in May.

These include vegetable garden kits and specialty kits for children, a salsa kit and even a pickle kit.

“Even though it was all snowy the day before yesterday, it was all nice and warm and sunny in the greenhouse. It was 90 degrees in there, so it was a good refuge,” Bunce said.

For more information about Rock River Farm, call 906-458-4963 or visit rockriverfarms.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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