
Tensions heat up on Keweenaw Co. Board

Keweenaw County Planning Commission Chairman John Parsons recommends a fellow member’s dismissal. (Graham Jaehnig/Daily Mining Gazette)

Keweenaw County Planning Commission Chairman John Parsons addressed the Keweenaw County Board at its regular February meeting last Wednesday regarding removal of AJ Kern from the Planning Commission. Parsons recommends the County Board remove Kern.

Parsons’ action stems from two scheduled January PC meetings. The first was a special meeting and the second was a public hearing to review a rezoning request by Black Bear Inc, for rezoning approximately 80 acres of leased land in Grant Township. Kern was absent from both meetings without having provided prior notice.

The commission was unable to take action during either meeting, because of Kern’s absent, leaving the PC without a quorum. At the beginning of the hearing, Parsons said although Kern was absent, the meeting would proceed with the review and take public comment.

Two PC meetings on Jan. 14.

During the Jan. 27 regular PC meeting, Parsons raised the question of recommending Kern’s removal.

“In our ordinance,” he said, “it is required that if a member’s going to be missing, they contact the chairman or one of the Planning Commission members to let us know of your absence”

Both of the meetings were very important, he said.

“The special meeting that we set up about the members, and the public hearing,” he told Kern. “You did not attend either. You didn’t even tell us you weren’t going to be here.”

Parsons told Kern that he did not learn she would not be present until her husband, John, told him that she was absent because of pneumonia.

PC member Harvey Desnick asked why Kern could not have at least sent a text to another member.

“John came,” she responded. “John came to tell you.”

Desnick replied that he waited until 4 o’clock to tell the commission.

At the Feb. meeting of the County Board, Commissioner Rob DeMarois motioned to set the deadline date of February 28, 2025, for any formal written charges to be filed with the Clerk regarding the removal of AJ Kern from the Planning Commission. Vice Chair Del Rajala supported the motion, which unanimously carried.

Rajala then motioned to hold a public hearing on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 6:30 pm to review whether the prior appointments of all currently serving members and alternate members of the Planning Commission should be ratified and whether they should serve for the remainder of their previously established terms.

The motion, by DeMarois, unanimously carried.

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