
CCISD Parent Advisory Committee Announces meeting

HANCOCK — The Copper Country Intermediate School District (CCISD) Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) for Special Education has announced its bi-monthly meeting. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Wednesday, February 19, at the CCISD conference Room B, located at 809 Hecla Street, in Hancock.

At the meeting, Jennifer Beaudette, Lake Linden-Hubbell Public School Board of Education, will give a presentation titled: Understanding the IEP (Individualized Education Program) for Parents.

An IEP is a written document that outlines a student’s educational needs and goals. It is a key part of a student’s education and is required for public school students who receive special education services.

The PAC is composed of parents of children with disabilities. They work work with educators to improve special education programs and services for students with disabilities. The committee represent local school districts in Houghton, Baraga and Keweenaw Counties and the Copper Country Intermediate School District

Local school districts appoint one parent to the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).

Care is given in this process to assure that, to the extent possible, the PAC membership also represents the various disabilities of students enrolled in our programs.

As PAC members, we provide communication, awareness and collaboration between parents, the community, local school districts and the Intermediate School District.

In cooperation with the Intermediate School District, the PAC develops and distributes a Hand-Book for Parents. This 21-page manual informs parents of programs and services available within the CCISD. It also outlines the rights of students receiving special education services and their parents.

Those interested can learn more by visiting the url: https://www.copperisd.org/page/parent-advisory-committee.

The Handbook for Parents can be viewed at: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/4508/CCISD/4801302/New-Parent_Handbook-September_2024.pdf.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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