Porcupine Mountains opening skiing weekend cut short
SILVER CITY — While the Porcupine Mountains Winter Sports Complex had a better start this year than last year, the opening weekend consisted of only two of the four days planned for the event. The complex was shut down Sunday and Monday due to the large amount of snow that melted as the result of above freezing temperatures and rain over the weekend.
Park Manager Michael Knack said all runs were open Friday and Saturday and the complex saw a good turnout of nearly 200 skiers. Knack said although the park was open for two days, conditions were not ideal, describing them as “springy” with open patches of grass scattered throughout the area. He was, however, content with the weekend.
“There was absolutely more snow this year,” Knack said. “We were only open three days last year and those days were rough.”
Knack said once enough snow falls to ensure a safe experience for skiers, the complex will reopen. He remains optimistic about the season’s prospects due to projected winter weather activity.
“We’re going to have a normal U.P. winter,” he said.
The Porcupine Mountains Winter Sports Complex is counting on the return of normalcy to deliver snow in time for multiple events planned for 2025 such as multiple lantern-lit guided snowshoe hikes, Midwest Telefest and the Porkies Winter Snowburst Carnival. Participants are welcome to walk, snowshoe or ski on the trail.
The lantern-lit guided snowshoe hikes are scheduled for Jan. 25 and Feb. 1, 8 and 15. These guided hikes will take place on the Lake Superior Trail from 6 to 8 p.m. each day lit by kerosene lanterns.
Midwest Telefest will return for its 35th year offering skiers a chance to try new equipment along with other events such as food, races and telemark skiing lessons. This event will take place Feb. 9 – 11.
From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, the complex will host its winter carnival. The carnival will feature activities such as a youth treasure hunt, skiing lessons, cardboard sled races and fireworks at the end of the night. For more information, visit the Porcupine Mountains Winter Sports Complex website at Michigan.gov/skitheporkies.