KBIC seeking construction workers for casino project

Vanessa Dietz/The Daily Mining Gazette Keweenaw Bay Indian Community President Chris Swartz is pictured at the November 2016 groundbreaking ceremony in Baraga for $40 million casino renovations, for which the tribe seeks construction workers.
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community President Chris Swartz encouraged people to apply for a variety of construction jobs the tribe wants to fill for upcoming projects, including the multi-million dollar renovations of its casinos.
“If you need a job … come here,” Swartz said at the tribal council meeting Friday at the Tribal Center in Baraga, inviting job seekers to an open house from 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Bingo Hall at the Ojibwa Casino, located at 16449 Michigan Ave. in Baraga.
The casino expansions are valued at $6.5 million for the Ojibwa Casino in Baraga and $33.5 million for the Ojibwa II in Marquette.
For more information about construction employment opportunities with KBIC, contact Debbie Picciano at 353-4167 or TERO@kbic-nsn.gov, or visit the TERO Facebook page.
Speaking of jobs, the council approved an appellate Justice Contract with William W. Jondreau Sr. and a Tribal Court Public Defender Services Agreement with attorney Brandon T. Rickard.
In other action, the council donated $750 to each of the following: L’Anse High School Robotics Team for downstate travel; and Jean Swartz for travel expenses to attend the funeral of her aunt, Anna Swartz.
Councilmembers will be reviewing these tribal policies and/or procedures in preparation for discussion at a future meeting: Travel Policy/Travel Authorization Advance/Travel Report, Purchase and Procurement, Drug Free Work Place, Real Property Acquisition, Financial Management and the Ojibwa Housing Department Investment Policy.
Future April council meetings are set for the 13, 17 and 27.